Tuesday 11 November 2014

Lesson 3: Cloud Quiz

Complete the Google Form on cloud https://goo.gl/ZAsGZc you will receive an email with your score. Redo the test until you have a score of 80% or greater. The test is designed to be a learning experience, please look up and try answers in Google Search as you go through the tests. This isn’t about getting a score, but instead learning about cloud.

Lesson 2: Cloud Explained by Experts

Option 1: Watch the video and make at least five point form styles notes on a google doc and upload to Classroom.

Option 2:  (Videonot.es as a tool has been up and down lately so this may not be an option)
Use the Google drive Add On - VideoNotes http://www.videonot.es/ to make notes on the video below as you watch it.
To use VideoNot.es
1) Click on the link to go to Videonot.es http://www.videonot.es/
2) Choose the Green button to connect to Google Drive
3) Copy and Paste the YouTube link into Videonot.es - https://youtu.be/jkDCzAH2kj4
4) As you watch the video, insert notes on the right side which will be time linked.
5) Save the notes to Drive and hand them in on Google Classroom.

Monday 10 November 2014

Lesson 1: What is Cloud Computing?

Cloud Computing is a different way of building storage and accessing information. Google Apps for Education are cloud based tools.

After watching the videos leave a comment with some of the cloud tools you use (or tools you think may be cloud!)